Micro-ticket equipment is a classification used by the ELFA of equipment costing up to $25,000, involving the leasing of such high-volume relatively low-price assets as office equipment, shop machinery and small vehicles.  Micro-ticket leasing together with the leasing of small-ticket equipment is considered retail leasing.  Such assets are most commonly “rented” rather than “leased”.

Small-ticket equipment encompasses assets that cost $15,000-$100,000 according to DBRS, less than $100,000 according to Fitch, and $25,000-$250,000 according to the ELFA.  This category involves mass-produced, relatively low-cost equipment with a liquid second-hand market, such as cars, construction equipment and machinery, larger office equipment, machine tools, small computers systems and servers, small printing equipment, light industrial and manufacturing equipment and light trucks, vans and trailers.

US Retail Equipment Leasing Ticket Size
Ticket DBRS ELFA Fitch
Micro $0-$25,000
Small $15,000 – $100,000 $25,000 – $250,000 < $100,000
Source: DBRS, ELFA and Fitch